There are a lot of reasons why Google becoming number one in the search engine. Google can help users in many ways beyond their imagination. Here are some lists of what Google can do for you. You will be amazed at the kind of assistance it provides for the users.

– Provide You with Valid Information
This is the highlight of every search engine need to do for its users. A good search engine has to be able to give valid and detailed information to their users. Google seems to has its own syntax and algorithm in gathering the data and information from various websites indexed on the internet for its users. Their crawling system is great that can provide the exact information needed by the agen For your information, you can get a precise result for your search in Google by noticing the detailed thing when you typing the keyword in the search column. You can limit the keyword only on the important word or add some important number to narrow your search. Only then, you will find what you’re looking for in Google. Assist you with
– Weather Forecast
The weather is so unpredictable today. Many people try to survive in the middle of extreme weather. In order to prepare for any possible things that may come, you can make your life simpler by checking the weather in your Google application. Google will tell you right away about the weather and temperature to make you ready with any possibility. You can check the weather of any cities by adding the word weather behind the city in your search.
– Give You Easiness with Your Personal Life
Google can assist you in showing the direction or map during your trip, even to the new place that you ever know before. You can take advantage of the Google Map to show you the fastest and safest direction to your destination. It can show you the nearest restaurants, drugstore or hospitals. It gives you more options when you need to decide which place is better for you.

– Check the Flight Status
You even can check your flight status from anywhere and anytime. It will cut your anxiety and confusion about missing the flight schedule. This is one of the most important tasks which can perform by Google for its user. It is an effective tool for busy people. You can perform many tasks at a time without having to move from your place.
There are many things that Google can do for you. As the number one search engine in the world, Google offers so many conveniences for its users. They are valid information, weather forecast, personal assistance and check the flight status.